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Have a great weekend of running in the mountains

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An essential part of the preparation for the UTMB, the shock weekend is even more essential if you have to prepare for the UTMB on the plains! Find out what this type of stay consists of and what its benefits are in terms of your training

What is a crash weekend?

The idea of a shock weekend is to accumulate a significant number of kilometres and altitude differences over a short period of two or three days. The aim is to have conditions close to the target race and to train on similar terrain. A weekend of preparation for the UTMB should include at least 4 hours of running on Saturday, with descents completed quickly and climbs at a moderate pace. On Sunday, do 6 hours of running with alternating 20 minutes of smooth and moderate pace, and 40 minutes of intensive pace. If you have more time, add a long hill workout on Friday evening. 

When to do it and for what benefit?

Ideally you should do one or two crash weekends within four months of a goal and no later than three weeks before the race. The shock weekend will intensely prepare your muscles for the eccentric contractions of the downhill runs and accustom you to a long effort in hilly terrain. In addition, the repetition of two rides is better than one very long ride. Finally, it is the ideal opportunity to test your clothing, equipment and food in a real situation.

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